As we age, getting nutrient-rich foods becomes difficult as well. So how do we help our loved ones get the nutrients they need? First, we need to understand the reasons why they may not be able to get the nutrients they need. Second, we need to learn some symptoms of malnutrition that can alert us to problems. Lastly, we need to come up with some different foods they can eat that can give them the needed nutrients.
There are various reasons why the elderly stop being able to consume nutrient-rich foods. Some difficulties may be:
These are only a couple of issues that may cause issues with getting proper nutrition from our foods. While we could probably dedicate an entire blog article to these issues and how important it is to speak with your doctor about nutrition, it’s also important to talk about some symptoms of malnutrition to look out for in the elderly. These symptoms may include:
It’s important to be aware of these issues and if you notice these symptoms, work with your loved one and their doctor to work on a plan to help them get the nutrition they need. Lastly, let’s talk about a couple of different easy snack ideas that can help the elderly get the nutrition they need.
It’s important to make these snacks easy to eat and digest. These snacks should never be something that is hard to eat. For example, if you use different vegetables for eating with hummus, you need to ensure that it’s soft to eat. These snacks also need to be healthy, if they don’t like hummus, try peanut butter, but you shouldn’t use Nutella. Overall, these snacks should be focused on helping the elderly to get the nutrition they need. If you have any questions on what we at The Wildflower of Rigby do, please give us a call!
Choosing Snacks Seniors Will Eat and That Meet Their Nutrition Needs