Unfortunately the term ‘self-care’ has a poor connotation for older generations and it can be challenging for many to understand why it’s so important. It’s important that each of us takes the time to sit with ourselves and reflect on what we want and need. It’s also a great opportunity to learn how to love yourself and be happy with yourself. One of our owners, Leslie Bowen, says that to her, “Self-care is about creating the kind of life for yourself that you don’t wish to escape from.” Self-care can have many interpretations and today we introduce you to various ways to practice self-care.
Self-care is a bit of an umbrella term for how we work on improving our mental and physical well-being. According to the World Health Organization, self-care is officially defined as “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and to cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a healthcare provider.” So everyone benefits by taking some regular time to take care of themselves.
- Spend time outside: There are many studies that show how critical getting time outside in fresh air and sunlight benefits everyone, regardless of age. If you can take the time to even take a brief 15-minute walk outside you will begin to notice improvements in mood, physical health, and reduced loneliness.
- Find ways to laugh: You know what they say, laughter is the best medicine. Try going to a comedy show, watching a romantic comedy, or listening to a podcast. Laughter can make life more enjoyable and it can help you feel more connected to the people around you.
- Exercise and hydrate: As we age it’s important to stay active in mind and body. Try every day to move your body and this can be simple things like beginner yoga poses, or dancing. You also need to stay active mentally which can be learning a new language, learning a new skill or craft, or completing puzzles. Along with this, you need to stay hydrated! Try notifications to remind you to drink and keep track of your water intake so you know how much you need and how much you’ve drunk that day.
- Try volunteering: You can volunteer all over the world! But if you’re looking for more local options, try a library, a pet shelter, a hospital, or a school. Volunteering can help you feel a part of your community and make new friends. Having friends is something everyone needs (no matter how lone wolf you think you are).
- Try journaling or scrapbooking: This is a great time to be with yourself and work with your hands. You can write about your day, your family, and your life, and scrapbooking is great because you can add photos and write about those! This is also a great time to listen to a book, podcast, or music you enjoy.

Self-care is something that everyone can do, no matter their age or no matter where they are in life. Self-care is beneficial to everyone because it allows you to enjoy your life to the fullest and in the most authentic way you can. It also helps you to find peace and good health. Try one of these self-care tips and let us know your thoughts on social media.
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