As of January 30th, there have been 2,263 cases of Covid-19 in Jefferson county. However, The Wildflower of Rigby has had 0 cases of Covid-19. This is because we take our precautionary measures seriously. Everyone in the facility, staff, and residents, have all received their first round of vaccinations for the virus. We currently allow the visitation of family members by appointment during business hours. We do this to avoid any overlap between visitors and so our staff has enough time to sanitize after each visit. Each visitor comes in through a backdoor wearing a mask and is brought to a room that doesn’t have any access to other residents. They are not allowed to leave that room except to leave the facility entirely. This allows residents to still be visited by family members but in a safe way. We do insist that if you are experiencing any sickness symptoms that you do not enter the facility.
While we allow visitors we also want to make sure that we take the proper steps to ensure safety for our residents and for visitors. These steps are as follows: wear a mask before entering, sanitize before entering, the temperature is taken by a thermometer upon entry (cleaned after each use), and then fill out a form that states who you are and when you entered the facility.
We want to reassure all guests and residents that everything is cleaned thoroughly either by a sanitized cloth or by spraying with a sanitizing solution. Any frequently touched surfaces are cleaned after use and any objects brought into the facility are cleaned in this same way. We also keep track of our cleaned surfaces by the Facility via our Electronic Care Provider.
We are closely monitoring our residents for any symptoms by checking their temperature daily and check staff the same way. If there is any suspicion of the virus from staff or residents, our Facility Nurse will collect the appropriate sample and send it to the appropriate lab for testing. If any of our checks come back positive we will be reporting them immediately to the Region 7 Health Department in Idaho Falls. Appropriate quarantine practice will then take place.
To practice physical distancing we are currently having residents dine in shifts to avoid close contact. Any other activities outside of residents’ rooms, such as watching TV, are also physically distanced the required 6 feet.
Lastly, we wanted to quickly address the process if any resident absence from the facility occurs or when a new resident is admitted to the facility. To begin the room will be cleaned and sanitized, then the bed will be freshly made with new bed linens, any of the resident’s personal items will be sanitized, and any contact between staff and the resident will be conducted as if the resident had been exposed to the virus, so the staff will be wearing the appropriate protective gear (including mask, gloves, and gown). The resident will then be quarantined in their room for 14 days to ensure that all other residents stay safe.
We are proud to report that our faculty and our residents have all received the second round of the Covid-19 vaccine. We are incredibly grateful to all of our lovely staff who have been so patient and willing to help with all that is being asked of them during this pandemic. We are thankful for our residents who are trusting and kind as we work around these new necessities.