Too often we think the only fun the elderly get up to is Bingo or Scrabble. And while these games are fun, it’s silly to think that that is all the elderly want to do with their time and energy. While some hobbies may not be as easy as they once were, and some hobbies may have adjustments for the changes that age brings, many hobbies are able to be enjoyed well into age. However, if you’ve hit retirement and are struggling to find something you enjoy that will fill your time, this list and explanation of hobbies might help you find something to try!
- Gardening: While this hobby does make many think of hard labor, this can be simplified if needed. This could be a flower garden, a vegetable garden, or even a rock garden! The size doesn’t matter and you could even do something as simple as a flower box in the window! Seeing things grow that you helped cultivate can bring a great sense of pride!
- Dancing: Dancing is something that can be done alone, with a partner, or with a group. With the development of technology, there are many dance classes online if you can’t go or don’t want to go to a dance class. There are also fun dancing games you can get. Keeping your body moving can help keep you healthy and happy!
- Pick up an instrument: Learning an instrument is for someone of any age. You can learn from professionals or technology! This can help keep your brain smart and give you something beautiful to do with your time.
- Fishing: While not the most accessible hobby, this can be a great way to get outside and have some time to think. Being able to enjoy the silence is something you will definitely learn if you pick up this hobby!
- Bowling: This is a great group activity that allows you to chat with friends and family and get active at the same time. It can be a great way to get a group of elderly together and enjoy retirement.

- Painting: Painting is a great way to express your thoughts and feelings. It’s also a great way to beautify whatever space you’re in. Painting classes are available to many ages, but there are also videos and online classes (thanks Bob Ross)!
- Create/join a book club: If you have a lot of seniors in your area you might try creating a book club. Books are always so much fun and a great way to explore new ideas, but enjoying them with others is even better. You can talk about the books you read and many book clubs even bring treats!
- Volunteer: There are many different ways to volunteer. There are soup kitchens, donation centers, online classes for those in need, etc that are relatively easy to do at home. But if you would also like to travel a bit, you can add volunteering in other areas to your list of hobbies to try!
- Join a community program: There are a variety of community programs to enjoy that you can participate in. Maybe you have a local theatre group or choir you can join. This is a great way to meet new people and enjoy doing something new or maybe something old that you miss!
- Crafting: Crafting is a very broad term that can mean a lot of different things. This could be scrapbooking, quilting, jewelry making, etc. This could become something to gift friends and family, or do together, or even make some money at things like craft fairs and farmers markets!

As we age, we don’t have to waste our time, our energy, or our bodies doing things that don’t bring us joy. We can find hobbies that we can enjoy well into the late stages of our lives. And there is so much time to find new hobbies and things we enjoy that we can do alone or together. Try a new activity and let us know on our socials how it goes!
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The Ultimate Hobby Guide: 50 Hobbies for Seniors
30 Hobby Ideas for Seniors